
Monday, August 10, 2009

The fear of the H1N1 is the beginning of Swine-Flu

It's been a long time I last wrote here. I had a busy weekend in Pune as the first week of the month of August-2009 got over. I happened to sit with different groups of people, almost from all the levels of the society. I don’t remember a single group that did not touch the issue of the pandemic that hit the world and created waves in the city that has left the people in panic.

Pune saw the highest sell of masks in the city ever. They even fell short of the supply at one point. Many people are deeply concerned about their health while youngsters at some places are just seen making fun with those masks in the groups and the little ones are too eager to put them on in their natural curiosity even as they don’t understand the fact that many of the masks sold in the city are good for nothing. Without even knowing that those masks are unable to save you from the virus because of their poor quality they are thriving to buy masks for their families.

I was wondering why people are so scared. Did it never happen to you that you were filled with fear for something and at the end you come to know that it was just the fear that encircled you? and Noting happened as you feared to. So why panic?

Media apart from giving the knowledge of the disease gave enough lift to the issue than required. Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Sunday that around one-third of the Indian population was likely to get infected with the virus over the next two years, in accordance with WHO predictions. And we immediately put ourselves in the said 33%
What are the safety measures and what is the remedy for the situation? Let us look at the issue as God would see from above. It is written that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.”

We are so used to fear the situation around us and fall prey to it. Here it says something about fearing God and the reward of that fear. This is the only fear in the world I have ever experienced that always rewards me positively.

So let us not fear anything else because every other fear creates negative impact on us but the fear of the LORD gives us wisdom to fight all odds. That’s the precaution against all the diseases of any form.

And the remedy is here in Proverbs 3:7-8 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Here it says if you fear the Lord and depart from evil then you will stay away from the diseases.

Dear friends, according to WHO, 168 countries of the world are sufferring from the global pandemic, we cant afford to just wait and see, its time that we repent on behalf of our cities and nations that the Lord makes his promise come true around us by healing our Land. Let us make the path straight and see Him walk in our lives.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Luke 3:4

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